Alex adopted me a number of years ago. He actually belonged to the neighbor on the east side of me, yet spent hours hanging
out with his kitty friends that lived with my neighbors to the west. He traveled through my yard going back and forth between
home and friends.

At that time I had been laid off at work and was spending more time in my home office and patio area. Alex began spending more and more time on one of my Adirondack chairs, during which we had great conversations. He is very vocal and expressive. He also started to follow me into the house. He was unbelievably well mannered. I set out a water bowl for him. I was also rather allergic to him.

An allergy prescription and a year later, I set out a food bowl. I still cannot keep Alex in the house overnight (swollen yucky eyes and congestion issues). Yet he knows that he is welcome to join his kitty friends next door in a comfy kitty igloo in the kitties’ house. It’s a perfect arrangement.

Friday, June 28, 2013


I am practically inconsolable
a neighbor, who is not the owner, 
is holding my sweet buddy Alex – hostage!

I have been out of town visiting family. 
Before I left I told my neighbor that Alex seemed to not feel well. 
Alex spends his days at my house and in the evening goes next door to stay the night with the kitties 
(who are his friends) that live there 
(I am allergic and unable to have him spend the nights).

The non-owner neighbor has graciously taken care of vet services that Alex had needed over the years and 
so took him to the vet to get checked. 
He is ill and needs special care. 
That special care does not preclude me from having him 
in my/his home for periods of association that we both need! 
AND yet she is denying my seeing him. 
What a cruel mean game she is playing – why?  Why?  Why? 
I miss him terribly!!!

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